How to build a well-rounded customer-centric team

Watch this interview with Jenny Floros, formerly at Groupon and Ticketmaster, discuss what it takes to unleash the potential of your customer-facing teams.

Breena Fain

I am so excited to share this interview with Jenny Floros, founder of Advanced Forward Consulting and former regional VP of Sales at Groupon. Jenny is not only brilliant and backed with years of impressive experience, she is also just a delight to speak with.

In this conversation, Jenny and I dig into the evolution of her career from marketing to customer success leadership and now striking it out on her own as a consultant. She shares her insight on how to stay nimble as a leader of customer-facing teams and the perseverance required to evolve.

Jenny’s knack for orchestrating needs across leadership teams, alongside her transparent approach to what’s actually required to be successful — it shows heavily in this discussion!

If you’re looking for insight and encouragement on how to grow your customer-facing teams and keep everyone aligned, be sure to take a listen. And if you’re in need of additional guidance, be sure to reach out to Jenny!

Breena Fain
Storytelling at Plain Sight Ventures
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