Your next best idea lives with your customers

Stop guessing on what to build next and let your best customers do it for you.

Find your power customers quickly

When you’re building new features quickly, it’s critical that you find the right people to talk to. With Pano, you’ll see things like product usage in the context of a customer journey so you can target your key customers with confidence.


Customize your customer dashboard so you can focus on only the data you care about.


See who in your company owns specific accounts so you can work together to get feature testing out to the right people.

Starred customers

Keep track of your favorite customers in a segmented list for quick referencing.

Get a sense for a customer’s experience

If you have a list of customers to get feedback from, it’s important to be prepared and get the full picture. Pano helps prepare you so there are no surprises when you reach out.

A screenshot of a customer named Bonnie Lee inside Pano


Easily setup segments based on your customer persona parameters.

Open support tickets

Check on any open support tickets or issues before reaching out.

Upcoming meetings

See if a customer has an upcoming meeting with one of your colleagues for maximum collaboration.

Launch high-value features

Gain the full context of a customer’s experience so you can build valuable products that align with their needs.

A screenshot of a customer named Bonnie Lee inside Pano

Get the full picture of a customer