New dashboard, Hubspot highlight, and Customer Success Festival!

Attending the SF Customer Success Festival? We'll see you there!

Breena Fain

Happy Friday, y’all! I’m back with another roundup of what’s going on here at Pano. We were really excited to share quite a bit that went live last week (new browser extension, personalization and the launcher). This week we’ve been mostly focused on creating more resources for you, so this update will be short and sweet!

New Dashboard

When you log into Pano, you’ll now see a list of your key customers below the search bar. This will give you quick access to the customer you’re looking for. We’re still exploring the best way to prioritize certain customers in the list (by recently viewed, starred, etc.), so if you have any thoughts, let us know!

Integration Highlight: Hubspot

As someone who has worked in marketing for 15+ years, Hubspot has been a staple at just about every company I’ve worked. It has some of the best content out there for marketers, and their product is a great way to stay on top of your entire funnel.

We are very excited to be working directly with Hubspot to provide you with a more integrated way of managing a customer all the way through that funnel. When you connect Pano and Hubspot, you’ll be able to view contact info, deals, calls, tickets and more within Pano — alongside all the other data synced from other tools. We’ve also built a way for you to pull in custom fields from Hubspot, so if that is something you’d like to do, feel free to email us!

Let’s meet up!

Me and Gabe (our head of partnerships) will be attending the Customer Success Festival here in the Bay Area. We’re pretty pumped to meet some fellow CS folks and chat more about how Pano can help you build a powerful CS engine. Will you be there? Reach out to us and maybe we can hit the coffee cart together… it’s been about 7 years since I’ve been to a conference so you know I’ll need all the caffeine I can get.

Breena Fain
Storytelling at Plain Sight Ventures
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