New design, snapshot, and custom fields

Our Weekly Roundup shares what new features we've launched in Pano as well as other fun treats.

Breena Fain

Hello Pano Community,

We hope you're doing well and not melting your face off this summer! It's already August and our latest product updates are nearly as hot as this weather. Let's just get into it...

First, a shout out. Since April, we've been collaborating with a handful of users in our community who saw the bright potential in Pano early on. And while there have been quite a few, we wanted to give a special shout out to Chris and the Formstack team as well as Jessica and Samantha with Formations. These folks have been so awesome in helping us think through all the nooks and crannies of our app. So thank you! (And if you have some thoughts on how we can improve, please let us know!)

Now let's get to the juicy updates. From all this helpful feedback, we launched a few things in Pano last month that we'd like to share:

New design

While we know looks aren't everything, intentional design can mean the difference between you having a really good day and your losing your mind before lunch. (And we’re very committed to you not losing your mind.) This is a special shoutout to Jason and Jeremy who updated the product experience in July, making it even more beautiful and easier to use. Go on, take a peek. 👀

Focus on the Snapshot

Ahh, the Timeline. This feature tells the full story of a customer from when you two first met — and we thought that would be everyone’s favorite! Turns out, we were wrong. 💀 While it’s great for people who want more context, most folks want a quick rundown of customer data. So we moved the data highlights to center stage and pushed the Timeline to the side. She may have her moment to shine, but we think a supporting role is best suited for her now.

Personalized Dashboards

There are a few data points everyone cares about, but y'all are really out there doing things in your own way. So we’ve decided to be more hands-on in creating a customized dashboard just for you. Eventually this will be a self-service feature, but if you need custom fields populated, please reach out to our team! We’ll get you connected to Jeremy, our CEO/engineer, and he’ll put something together for you. (But if he comes for me after working until 2am on customization, I was never here!)

We're YouTubers Now

Well, sort of. We have one Quick Tour video, and it took me (hi, it's Breena 👋) no less than 50 takes to get all the way through without fumbling. Was it worth it? Probably not! Do we still want you to watch it all the way through? Yes we do!

Well, I think that's it for now! Thank you again for helping us improve Pano. And a little August tip - if it's too hot outside, stay inside and give us feedback! ;)

Take care and enjoy your week! ✌️

Breena, Jason, Gabe, and Jeremy

Breena Fain
Storytelling at Plain Sight Ventures
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