How we use Zendesk with Pano’s new browser extension

Get a quick snapshot of a customer without ever leaving a support ticket.

Breena Fain

We’re excited to share the new and improved Pano Browser extension! This lil guy will follow you anywhere you roam on the internet and keep you from tab-switching between Pano and your favorite tools. Check out the walk-through video and see how we use Zendesk and Pano together through our extension.

If you are an avid user of Zendesk and you want to grab a quick snapshot of a customer without leaving a ticket, the Pano browser extension makes that super simple. All you have to do is highlight the customer's name or email address, click the Pano icon, and that customer's Pano profile will open as a side panel. There you can get a clearer picture of their activity, payment information, and even upcoming meetings with your colleagues.

No tab switching. No back-and-forth emails. Just a simple, easy view of a customer. Take a look and let us know what you think! 

Breena Fain
Storytelling at Plain Sight Ventures
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